Scarecrow Contest Registration

October 19 – 30

All day

Chardon Square

Ed Slusarski

Scarecrow Contest event logo

2023 Scarecrow Contest Winners

2022 Scarecrow Contest Winners

Contest Rules

The Scarecrows will be displayed in the Square. The contest will run from October 19, 2024 to October 30, 2024. Judging will be the week of October 28th with the winners to be announced on October 31, 2024.

The contest is open to all individuals/families, civic, non-profit organizations, schools (ALL GRADES), churches, clubs, businesses, governmental agencies located within the communities of the City of Chardon, and its townships of Chardon, Claridon, Hambden and Munson.


Pre-registration is required for this event. Participants must pre-register for this event and will be based on first come first serve basis noted by entry date and time on the form. There are a limited number of sites available for scarecrows. October 18, 2024 at 11 a.m. is the deadline for scarecrow entries.


Prizes will be awarded for 1st , 2nd and 3rd place. Winners will be announced during the Halloween Trick or Treat event held on October 31, 2024. The winners will have their names posted on the Chardon Square Association website, the City of Chardon’s Board and/or the local newspaper. Prizes may be claimed at Beans during normal business hours after November 3, 2024.

Judging Criteria

The Chardon Square Association reserves the right to deny entry privileges of displays to be considered offensive or not family-friendly. In order for unbiased judging, the judges will come from outside the Chardon area.

Entries will be judged on:

  • Originality of the design
  • Use of props
  • Street appeal
  • Traditionality
  • Use of recyclable and natural products
  • Incorporation of autumn harvest theme

All Scarecrow entries must be hand-made, and please note that they will be subjected to all weather conditions; therefore, construction materials should be durable and all ornamentation securely attached.

Setup and Removal

In order to set up your scarecrow, you must obtain your sign on October 18th during the hours of 12 pm to 1 pm at the Heritage House in the square to obtain your location and exhibitor’s sign. Once you have your information, you will have until dusk on October 23rd to set up your display. It is recommended if you have time to check on your display on October 28th before noon, to do so, to make sure it is ready for judging!

Set up dates will be from October 13 to the 21st. All entries will need to be on display and ready for judging on October 28th by noon. No exceptions!

Scarecrow locations will be based on entry dates and times. A sign will be provided to you and should be displayed by your scarecrow at all times. List on your sign: display name and business/organization name.

Please plan to remove your Scarecrow from the square by Wednesday, November 3, 7:00 p.m. If the scarecrow display is not removed during that period, it will be removed and disposed of and you/your group will be charged a fee of $50.00.

Scarecrow Construction

All Scarecrow entries must be hand-made. Scarecrows will be subject to all weather conditions; therefore, construction materials should be durable and all ornamentation securely attached. The use of living materials is allowed; however, decorations such as cut pumpkins may not last the duration of the exhibition and therefore their use is discouraged.

If you decide to use pots of live plants, we ask that you keep them watered through the showcase. You may use additional props such as cornstalks, straw bales, a bench, bicycle, etc. as long as they remain within your site.

Absolutely no loose hay or straw. Please consider wrapping your hay bales in clear plastic to prevent hay from coming loose.

Scarecrow Guidelines

Scarecrows are expected to be based on traditional construction and must be in good taste. Please keep in mind the audience of families and young children when creating your scarecrows.

Each display area is 6’ x 6’ for each participant. It will be marked off for the contestant and the display must fit inside the display area or it will be disqualified. Scarecrows must be free standing or have a vertical support in the body so it can be wired to a post. All structures shall employ surface anchors such as sand buckets, bricks, etc.

Not Permitted

  • No controversial, social, political or religious themes. Just good old-fashioned scarecrows!
  • No store-bought masks
  • No sharp objects such as real pitchforks, knives, hooks, etc.
  • No flammable objects such as tiki torches, gas-powered generators, or any open flames
  • No mechanical scarecrows are permitted
  • Do not secure your scarecrow to benches, trashcans, or lampposts

The Chardon Square Association reserves the right to deny entry privileges of displays to be considered offensive or not family-friendly. NO EXCEPTIONS OR WAIVERS.


The Chardon Square Association, the City of Chardon, or their agents will not be held responsible for any damage to the scarecrow entries.


The Chardon Square Association, the City of Chardon, or their agents will not be held responsible for any damage to the scarecrow entries. Neither the Chardon Square Association, the City of Chardon nor their agents will be held responsible for any injury or damage associated with the 2024 Scarecrow Showcase.

More Information

For additional information about the contest, please email Ed Slusarski at

Application Form