Chardon Family Market

Chardon Family Market logo

Saturdays, May 10 – August 23

8:00 am – 1:00 pm

Event details

Booth application

Email the event manager

The Chardon Family Market (formerly the Chardon Farmers Market) is a great place to find locally raised in-season produce, maple syrup, honey, breads, pies, decorated cookies, herbs, kettle corn, ice cream, soaps, lotions, dip mixes, frozen meats, eggs, prepared food, lemonade and more.

Do you have items to sell?

Apply for a booth today!

Don’t miss out on this exciting event!

Scheduled Vendors, Music and Activities

Vendor Pre-Season Meeting

Monday, April 17, 2023
6 pm – 7 pm

The Chardon Chalet
220 Basquin Drive, Chardon

Pizza, chips, and soft drinks will be provided. Please bring your questions, comments and any and all ideas to make the market even better this year.

Please send your comments, questions or concerns to me at so I can add them into our agenda. I will take notes and send them out to all parties after the meeting.

Thank you very much for your time and effort with this request! I look forward to seeing and hearing from all of you!

Ed Slusarski,
Family Market Event Manager